Mormons Demand Reparations!!

Here is an excerpt from the history lesson below, from 1839, which prompted me to write this. “While waiting in Washington, Joseph also grew tired of hearing politicians make grand speeches full of lofty language and empty promises. “There is such an itching disposition to display their oratory on the most trivial occasions and so much etiquette, bowing and scraping, twisting and turning to make a display of their witticism,” he told his brother in a letter. “It seems to us rather a display of folly and show more than substance and gravity.” Government hasn’t changed much since 1839. I,…

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Abolish the Electoral College?

There is a big push by some high-profile Democrats to eliminate the Electoral College.  They prefer counting the popular vote as the “fairest” way to elect our President. The key to understanding the Electoral College is that it elects a President of the States, not a President of the collective people as if there were no states. If we do away with the Electoral College then sparsely populated states such as Wyoming, which has less than 600,000 people, lose their representation.  These small-population states would be totally subject to the whims of the huge population centers concentrated in just a…

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